Friday 24 September 2010

Size Matters...

I <3 autumn, it's one of my favourite times of year. I love the colours of the trees and the sky. I love getting to FINALLY wrap up in layer upon layer of cosy clothes and enjoy the crisp air that always smells awesome at this time of year. I always swear I can smell the seasons change and autumn by far has my favourite smell!

Happily, I'm not alone in my love of autumn, or fall if you prefer! One of my favourite bloggers, Amy of "The Inchie Project" fame continues to delight me with her recent posts about this time of year, and she's so full of enthusiam that it's pretty darned infectious! Lisa, you would LOVE her blog I guarantee, so I suggest you pop over there soon because she's having an Autumn Giveaway!
I must admit I want to win her giveaway and fully intend to use every entry opportunity I get (though you might have to wait a day or two for your fall inchie Amy, my head's like pudding just now!) and on that note, I'm going to leave her ever-so-pretty blog button for you all to go "Ooooooooo!" at (because I don't know how to add it onto anywhere else on my blog :S help!)



  1. Yayyy you're playing in my giveaway! Hurrah!

    (I just added instructions to the button on my blog, just below the code, so maybe that'll help?)

  2. I shall go have a looksee hehe!

  3. Steph, I am all over it! Also, it makes my heart happy that big red is back and you are blogging again! Xxxxx
