Saturday 24 April 2010

My Gas Heart

Is in a state of constant fluctuation...
One minute vapour-light
The next lead heavy
In the blink of an eye it goes from empty to full

And back again
But never is it in one fixed state, or still
Always either agonizingly tender
Or hollow and vacant
Longing to be filled at just the right level

To be content

Friday 23 April 2010

Sellers Remorse

(I got these lights as a Christmas gift from Ebay a while back... so cool! Plus, they plug into a USB port!)

I have SO much guff that I need to get on Ebay sharpish. Shoes, clothes, books, just random crap! But I soooo cannot be bothered :( it just seems like so much hassle, with all the sellers fees and trying to remember if I have the right Paypal account registered, that kinda thing. Gah! Anyone in the market for some high heels?

I'm so lazy...

Wednesday 21 April 2010


"No one really understands how simple and plain and predictable I I'm just losing my hair and I'm learning how to smile like I just don't care..."

Man I REALLY hate my hair right now. I should note that picture was taken November 2008, don't w'all go panicking that I shaved my head again! I was washing my hair earlier on and was ever so slightly freaked out by the amount of hair I'm losing. Now, I'm absolutely rubbish at taking care of my hair. I don't brush it every single day, I wash it when I have to, and I'm incapable of styling it cos I just don't know how! So it just kinda gets tied back and forgotten about.

But now I'm getting traction alopecia on the corners of my hairline and I hate it! I dislike my hairline and forehead as it is, so I really don't want to make it any worse! I have this weird compulsion that whenever I tie my hair back, I start pulling it out of my bobble a clump of hair at a time and because my fringe is shortest and comes out easily, it gets it the worst. I need to get a bloody hair cut so my fringe is too short to tie back so I don't do this!

I really want dreads again :'(

Monday 19 April 2010

Holy Graded Unit, Batman!

SO, I'm doing my Graded Unit in college right now. Basically it's a really intense unit where we're given a choice of briefs which we then have to complete in 3 sections: Planning, developing, and evaluation. We're given a mark for each and then given a grade, either A, B or C, at the end. The brief I chose is "Book and Box - The Human Body". Considering how interesting I find the human body and anatomy etc, I thought I'd find this not easy, but easIER than other subjects.


Basically, I've drawn myself into a corner. My subject matter is body modification and what it has to do with the human body. My problem is I'm honestly struggling to think what to actually put in the book! As it is, my sketchbook is full of research on hand-bound books, what kind of book I want to make, research on the human body and soon it'll have my body mod research in it too. I'm just really not sure what to do WITH the research when I have it! I was thinking about putting in stuff about tribal modification, irreversible modification, amputations, that kinda thing. Not necessarily just piercings and tattoos! And I still have NO idea what to do about the box...and I need to have ALL THIS DONE BY WEDNESDAY MORNING.


So yeah I have a favour to ask of all my lovely readers :) if you have ANY ideas what I could do about either the content of the book or the box, let me know! Also, another idea I had was putting in pictures of peoples tattoos and their reasons behind them (completely anonymously of course), so if any of you have a story you wish to share about your inkage, again let me know! You'd all be doing me a HUGE favour!

I also thought I'd share a few photos of what I've done so far, and a couple that are just me being a total artfag :D

Painty swirls

Stuff about "Coptic" book binding

Stuff about handmade books

Human anatomy on treated paper

Human body stuff on treated paper

Pages from a book that I "altered". Every element is from a story about Thomas Chippendale

Muscles of the face in coloured pencil on treated paper

Painted muscles of the arm

*phew* there we go!