Who's "That girl"?

"That girl" lives on the west coast of Scotland with her husband and isn't interested in viewing your webcam thankyouvery much.

She's 26, a terminal art student, and still doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up.

She's in love with typography, pretty packaging, and urban vinyls, and enjoys inhaling the scent of rubber and plastic. Hide your pencil cases, boys!

If she's passionate about something you'll know about it. If she couldn't care less about something, you probably wont because she's far too polite to tell you.

She'd love to be a better cook and would love to spend her days baking, but an unfortunate incident with choux pastry put paid to that.

She might not agree with what you're saying but will defend to the death your right to say it, and will be your friend regardless of whether she shares your views or not.

She loves www.findadeath.com and prays she gets to visit Pripyat, Chernobyl, and the Sedlec Ossuary either by or for her 30th birthday.

She plays World of Warcraft and isn't ashamed to admit it.

When offered, she literally cannot turn down:
1. Alcoholic drinks
2. A sandwich
3. Free shit, no matter how much it'll clutter her life up even more

She would probably classify herself as a "Geek" but has never bitten the head off a live chicken, much to her chagrin.

She can never think of things to write about herself. Ask her a question about herself or any of her interests or preferences and they will fly out her head.

She's run out of things to write about herself, so she just hopes you like her blog and only asks that you comment once in a while so she doesn't feel like she's (still) talking to herself.

OH, and she has fanTAStic glasses.