Tuesday 12 October 2010

The Human Onion

I wear glasses because I have bad eyesight, not because they make girls look geeky.

I don't wear make up because I'm lazy, not because I'm some sort of feminist.

I don't bake or cook because I don't have time or space, not because I can't.

Conversely, I'm not going to bake or cook because you think I SHOULD, but because I want to.

Yes I'm arty. I'm crafty. I like cute things. But I am the total enemy of whimsy. I detest twee.

I admit I'm overweight and yes I talk about it, but that doesn't mean you get to lecture me about it.

Also it doesn't mean I don't look great in a short skirt.

My life is not perfect and I wont pretend otherwise just because you can't be bothered with people moaning.

Not every blog post has to be unicorns shitting rainbows and whimsical fuckery.


  1. *applauds*

    I second that! All of it :)

  2. I adore the last line. Put it on a tshirt, doll! x

  3. http://shirshov.wordpress.com/2011/03/20/qq-emo-kid/
