Saturday 2 October 2010


Yeha I've become very lax about writing recently. At first it was because I was laptop-less and being useless at typing on a touchscreen phone isn't conducive to good blogging! Now I'm just too bloody busy. College, house repairs, organising shizz for holidays and of course fitting in some all-important WoW time are all just eating up every minute of my day. BUT! It means I've got more time to think about what's happening with my other blog! I want a blog that people will READ, like actually make the effort to look at to see what's there. I'm not saying no one does that with this blog, I love the small number of readers I have, but I want to reach a larger audience too. It's also going to be tied in with my Folksy shop which I finally got around to setting up! They'll have the same name and will be roughly related in content. Got your attention? Good!

Cos it's time for the bad news!

It's probably going to be around mind to late November before ANY of this happens. My mums house is having a new heating system installed (we haven't had heating or hot water for almost a year. Thank god for power showers!) and to install it without ripping up my mums just-installed easy-access shower, they instead have to rip up my bedroom floor which is laminate flooring. This means EVERYTHING I own had to be boxed up and stacked at the other end of the room, so all my arts and crafts stuff are totally inaccessible *weep* all I could keep was what I could fit into a plastic box so I had to prioritise and take stuff that's college related really. The installation will only take a day, but god knows how long it'll be before I can unpack everything. My sister might end up having to lift my whole floor (it's the flooring that clicks into place) so I'd have to completely empty my room for that. Not easy. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Even if this is all done quickly, the hubbatron and I are off on our holibags for 2 weeks from the end of October till mid November, so there's very little point in unpacking everything before we go. So as soon as I get back it's all systems go to get everything set up and start advertising etc before Christmas.

The other thing that's occurring to me is that right now my room looks like I'm packed to move house. I'm hoping it's somehow fate that I've had to do this and that perhaps it means Woody and I might get our own place soon finally!

Again, fingers crossed people!


  1. Where are you going on holiday?

  2. We will be right here waiting for you! xx

  3. P - we're going to Orlando :D going to Universal Studios for their Halloween Horror Night...ON Halloween! It's meant to be terrifying, I'm beyond excited!

    Lisa - you must have the patience of a saint to put up with my sporadic approach to blogging! And I luvs ya for it :)
