Tuesday 30 March 2010

And I hate everything about....me?

Ok, not really! Just couldn't think of a title for this post so I thought I'd quasi-quote some Ugly Kid Joe :)

So I wasn't actually tagged to do this, but after reading Amys blog, I took it upon myself to do it anyway. Cos I love talkin' bout myself y'know? K k I don't really. I just felt like it :) So. I have to tell you 10 things about myself. I actually DO like this kinda thing...I feel you can learn a lot about people when they do things like this. So here goes!

1. I'm completely phobic about a few things. I know a lot of people have at least one phobia, but I have like 4! They are: daddylonglegs (different from what I think most Americans would consider a daddylonglegs. I think they're just called craneflies there) moths, butterflies, and starfish. There's a story behind the starfish, but the others I'm just terrified of. Even the sight of one sends me into a blind panic.

2. I'm a hopeless romantic with music. Almost every song on my ipod reminds me of something to do with a relationship, be it good or bad, and sometimes it gets in the way of me listening to my favourite songs.

3. I'm a roller derby fanatic., and although I love getting people interested in it, I'd be gutted if anyone I know started playing it. Ridiculous I know. Leave me be!

4. I'm very very arty. It's just about my only real talent! I have no idea what I'd like to do with it in the long run, but I'll more than likely try and go into teaching.

5. I think I'm boring. I know you shouldn't compare yourself to other people, but when I think about myself compared to my husbands and previous partners exes, or to most of my friends, I honestly feel like thee most uninteresting person in the world.

6. I LOVE continuity errors in movies! I seriously get so excitied when I notice them and love pointing them out to others (whether they like it or not!)

7. You all probably already know this, but my wunnerful Woody and I got married at Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel by Elvis on the 13th of August 2009 :D and as a wee claim to fame, the chapel was featured in an episode of CSI AND was in the background during a scene in "The Hangover".

8. I hate the how trendy it is to say certain 80's cartoons were your favourites. I don't doubt most people are being genuine, but it's still irritating. For the record, my favourite cartoons when I was wee were Dogtanian and the 3 Muskehounds, Around the world with Willy Fog, Mysterious Cities of Gold, and the Muppet Babies. Fuck the Thundercats!

9. I collect dummies (or pacifyers, whichever you prefer). When I was small my mum picked one up in the street and couldn't tell if a child had dropped it, and she thought this was sad. Ever since, I haven't been able to walk past one lying in the street or in a shop without picking it up and taking it home! I also gladly take ones off people whos kids have outgrown them, and my sister even bought me one with my name on it! If any of you have any you want to get rid of, just lemme know ;)

10. I make REALLY REALLY good sushi!

Ummm who to tag? I think Lisa because she's a genuinely interesting person and I'd love to see what she would write!


  1. First off, you're far from boring!

    And I love how much more I've learned about you from this :D

    And you're an awesome tour guide :P xXx

  2. Totally with you on 2) and 6)!
