Friday 23 April 2010

Sellers Remorse

(I got these lights as a Christmas gift from Ebay a while back... so cool! Plus, they plug into a USB port!)

I have SO much guff that I need to get on Ebay sharpish. Shoes, clothes, books, just random crap! But I soooo cannot be bothered :( it just seems like so much hassle, with all the sellers fees and trying to remember if I have the right Paypal account registered, that kinda thing. Gah! Anyone in the market for some high heels?

I'm so lazy...


  1. Haha those are pretty nifty!

    While you're at it, do you know anyone with a sorta tanned complexion who needs SPF50 suncream for the face?

    Buy one get one free in Boots, before I realised they were both fucking tinted grrrr

    (I too, am a little lazy to try and list on eBay just yet lol)


  2. It's the having to actually arrange to POST the crap that bugs the crap outta me. Who can be arsed with that?
