Sunday 18 July 2010

Blog Schmog

I have like, 5 draft blogs sitting here. Looking at me. Taunting me. "Finish us!" they cry. "Give us sweet release and finiiiiiiish uuuuuus!" Well TOUGH. I CAN'T finish you. Because every time I start writing just now, I forget where I'm going with my point and it becomes a bunch of absolute twaddle. I'll get them out there eventually, but for now I'm enjoying picturing them looking like that flashback on "Family Guy" where someone is watching "Two and a Half Men" and it's a guy severed at the waist on the floor. My blog drafts are that guy.


  1. I too have about 5. At least you wait until yours are coherent. I just babble on and post it, hoping it's not too babbly!

  2. At least if you have the drafts sitting there then you have ideas, even if you aren't expanding on them at the moment. Some inspiration and half-posts are better than no inspiration and no posts! :)

  3. Can't wait to see what you do come up with. And I echo what P said!

  4. Och you're all just too lovely! Perhaps I need to just let go and just WRITE, rather than thinking every post has to be worthy of some kind of interweb putlitzer!
