Monday 30 August 2010

Package Deal

Recently I've been thinking that it's about time I released some of my creative wankery upon the world, so I decided to start selling some shizz. Sales were at an all time low with my trademarked "Wait-until-someone-asks-you-to-make-them-something" approach so I decided I should probably make a fresh start by setting up shop somewhere. I have an Etsy shop although I've never done anything with it, but I'm not completely in love with the site. I feel it's gotten a bit big for it's boots and kinda lost it's initial charm, plus then I run the risk of something I make ending up on Regretsy though I'm not totally convinced that's a bad thing! A friend of mine uses Folksy, but I haven't properly taken the time to check that site out so if anyone could give me any info that'd be much appreciated :) also, a lot of people I know are doing the whole "Selling Your Shit On Facebook" thang, but that doesn't appeal hugely. I'd like to be a bit more professional than that.

So. To my point. Pardon my french, but I'm fucking obsessed with packaging. Obsessed. If you're gonna give me a gift the contents of the package are relatively inconsequential compared to the joys and delights of well-designed packaging.

One of my favourite boxes. It was like getting an enormous easter egg!!

When Woody handed me my gift bag for my birthday and I pulled out that little Tiffany-blue (cos it was, y'know, Tiffany) card bag I was already in raptures, but when I looked inside and saw two little rectangular boxes I was ecstatic. Not because I had two pieces of Tiffany jewellery, but because that meant there was two lots of packaging to squee over! And THEN, when I opened the boxes, there was *gasp* another layer of packaging!!! Each item was in a little drawstring bag which was (be still my beating heart) divided inside to keep the silver from rubbing. You could have chucked two cheap bangles from Claire's Accessories in them and I would still be in pig heaven just because of the presentation. I want other people to be as excited about my packaging as I was that day. I want to spread the happiness brought to me by layers of cardboard and tissue and paper and and and....

Ok, NOW I'll get to my point! I'm struggling to come up with a packaging design I like. I like colour but only when used sparingly. I'd normally go for classic black and white, but I'm not feeling it this time. So what's a girl to do? I think I might combine the three! Like, black and green with white accents, and vice versa. And then there's the dilemma of what KIND of packaging to use! Plastic pouches, paper wrapped, boxes?


Methinks it's about time to put what graphic design knowledge I have to good use and try to come up with something. I'm doing Visual Communication at college this year so hopefully that'll get the old creative juices flowing properly! If any of you have ideas you care to share, feel free to leave me a note in the comments :)

Do YOU have any odd obsessions?


  1. Wrapped boxes? Maybe stick some fabric shapes on the boxes for a bit of texture - e.g. red sturdy box with a fuzzy leopard print heart at one corner / glitzy star in the centre?

    Obsessions, obsessions... such a strong word lol ummm... well from a 'creative' point of view, I used to always wrap gifts for people with black tissue paper and silver ribbon around it. Then that became a tradition I couldn't carry on (because last year I did EVERYTHING at the last minute and couldn't afford the pretty black tissue paper and silver ribbon).

    I can't think of anything else, my brain is like wet cake right now


  2. Don't let bits fall off! Plug your ears! I like the idea of tactile bits on smooth boxes very much! I love things than have more than one texture :)

    I like your creative obsession! I love farting about with ribbon when I'm wrapping pressies, the more flouncy the better!

  3. I also love packaging. I collect pretty boxes! how about a back box with green and white ribbons, and then layers of green, yellow and white tissue? or a white layer and a black layer and a wee green sticker with your brand name on it securing it?

    Ribbons are my thing too. And everything must match and look beautiful. Dave gets annoyed because I'll wrap a present 3 times to get it perfect if I have to.

    At Christmas, all of our presents are wrapped to match our Christmas tree, even the ones for other people.

  4. Oooo very nice ideas there Lisa! If I use them I'll make sure you get credit! I'll wrap things as many times as it takes to get it right and I'm really picky about getting ribbons and tissue right! I think I find shopping for wrapping for presents more enjoyable than buying the gifts themselves!
